
Self-publishing: don’t write what you know, write what people are looking for

As you'll no doubt be painfully aware due to my tedious blahing about it on Facebook and Twitter, I recently wrote and self-published a horror ebook called The Slender Man. This isn't a plug, by the way. I did something of a launch campaign for it, centred mostly on Twitter and Facebook, and I promoted… Continue reading Self-publishing: don’t write what you know, write what people are looking for


Slender Man – follow-up and thanks

So, my horror ebook The Slender Man has been out there on, and Smashwords for about a week now, and I've been bowled over by the response. The feedback from readers has been universally positive, and I've been lucky enough to have had readers tell their friends about how much they enjoyed the… Continue reading Slender Man – follow-up and thanks