
Gee Rodriguez and the rottweiler witch – a blog about Clean Reader

If you haven't heard of Clean Reader yet then allow me to enlighten you: it's an app that automatically changes swears and other types of "profane" words in ebooks into more acceptable language. I know! What kind of terrified baby would want or need something like that? Well, apparently some people do. Though what they make of the internet I have no idea. Here are my thoughts on why it's kind of OK in one way but mainly not OK in pretty much all other ways...


100WC – The Replacement Conductor

Image © David StewartHe’d arrived that morning in a blue Hyundai and skipped up the steps to the bandstand with breezy nonchalance. "Jerry's not well," he'd said, "I'll be conducting today."They played three songs straight through, and when they stopped he told them to keep going. When Earl raised a hand and said that they… Continue reading 100WC – The Replacement Conductor


Literary collaboration: three reasons why you should consider it

Two less successful collaboratorsCollaborators usually get a bad rap. The term has generally negative connotations in everyday use, and no-one ever talks about Vichy France with misty-eyed nostalgia. Recently, however, I decided to put all that to one side to try working with Bernard Schaffer (check out his new website on Fool's Gambit, a… Continue reading Literary collaboration: three reasons why you should consider it


Book covers, Slavic pimps and a dystopian horror carnival

A draft cover for Something In The WaterI just finished designing a cover for an ebook by the Tunbridge Wells Writers - Something In The Water, an upcoming collection of "unreliable biographies" of historical figures related to Tunbridge Wells - and it got me thinking about how cover images work in an age of electronic… Continue reading Book covers, Slavic pimps and a dystopian horror carnival